Code Of Conduct

Code of Conduct for Hillsborough and Rivelin Running Club:

As a responsible Running Club we will:

Appoint two welfare officers and ensure that they are provided with appropriate training to act as a first point of contact for concerns about welfare issues.

Ensure that all staff and volunteers operating within the club environment hold the appropriate qualifications and have undertaken the appropriate checks e.g. DBS, licences, qualifications such as massage, sports nutrition etc.

Ensure at least one qualified Leader and/or coach is available for each run. At times when multiple smaller groups are necessary due to availability or social distancing guidelines,  helpers who are not Leaders in running fitness and therefore may not be DBS checked will also take groups, under the delegation of a qualified Run leader.

Ensure that coaches, technical officials and club officers attend recommended training in welfare and safeguarding and protecting children as appropriate.

Liaise appropriately with officials, coaches, sports scientists, national governing bodies and other relevant people/organisations to ensure that good practice is maintained.

Ensure that club officers and volunteers always act responsibly and set an example to others.

Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every club member and others involved in athletics and treat everyone equally.

Consistently promote positive aspects of the sport such as fair play and never condone rule violations.

Challenge inappropriate behaviour and language by others.

Place the welfare and safety of the athlete above other considerations including the development of performance. Including providing adequate risk assessment and guidelines for activities to remain as Covid secure as possible

Ensure that policies and procedures remain current, fit for purpose and available on request from the Club Secretary.

Report any suspected misconduct by club members or officers to the Club. This should be as follows:

  1. Regarding safeguarding concerns (allegations of malpractice of abuse relating to the welfare children or vulnerable adults) one of the Welfare Officers should be notified.
  2. Any complaints of misconduct regarding the behaviour of Members or Officers should be presented to the Secretary.

Either of the above will be investigated in line with the Club Grievance and disciplinary policy.

Code of Conduct for Athletes in Hillsborough and Rivelin Running Club:

As a responsible athlete you will:

  • Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every athlete, coach, technical official and others involved in athletics and treat everyone equally. This includes displaying courtesy and good manners towards others.
  • Uphold the same values of sportsmanship off the field as you do when engaged in athletics.
  • Cooperate fully with others involved in the sport such as coaches, technical officials, team managers, doctors, physiotherapists, sport scientists and representatives of the governing body in the best interests of yourself and other athletes.
  • Consistently promote positive aspects of the sport such as fair play and never condone rule violations or the use of prohibited or age-inappropriate substances.
  • Inform a coach, run leader or organiser if you have any medical issues that may affect you, or if you are feeling unwell at any stage of a training session or race.
  • Always thank the coaches and officials who enable you to participate in athletics.
  • Avoid swearing and abusive language and irresponsible behaviour including behaviour that is dangerous to yourself or others, acts of violence, bullying, harassment and physical and sexual abuse.
  • Challenge inappropriate behaviour and language by others.
  • Never engage in any inappropriate or illegal behaviour.
  • Avoid destructive behaviour and leave athletics venues as you find them.
  • Not carry or consume alcohol to excess and/or illegal substances.
  • Avoid carrying any items that could be dangerous to yourself or others

As a responsible Athlete, when participating in or attending any running activities, including training/coaching sessions and competition events you will:

In races promote safety by:

  • Obeying any Rules for Competition.
  • Complying with any safety requirements, including specified kit.
  • Helping others who are in need of help, even if it costs you your race.
  • If you retire, follow the organiser’s retirement procedure.

Grievance and disciplinary policy

Complaints and Disputes

1. All concerns, allegations or reports of malpractice or abuse relating to the welfare of
children or vulnerable adults will be recorded and responded to swiftly and appropriately
in accordance with the Club’s and England Athletics’s safeguarding policy and
procedures. The Welfare Officer shall be the lead Officer for all Members in the event of
any safeguarding concerns.

2. Any complaints of misconduct (improper or unprofessional conduct) regarding the
behaviour of Members or Officers shall be dealt with by the Club in accordance with its
discipline and appeals process* and must be presented in writing to the Secretary (and
where the matter relates to the Secretary, the complaint must be submitted to the
Welfare Officer). Unless exceptional circumstances apply, the Secretary will hear
complaints within fourteen days of receiving a complaint. If the complaint is sufficiently
evidenced, the Secretary will appoint 3 (three) Club Members (who have no direct or
indirect interest/involvement in the matter) to sit on a disciplinary panel. Subject to rule 3
below, a decision of the disciplinary panel shall be final and conclusive.

3. Any appeals must be received by the Secretary within 7 (seven) days of receiving the
written decision and, if appropriate, the appeals process will be followed.

4. Any complaints of serious misconduct (including, without limitation, theft, doping
violations, fraud, physical violence, safeguarding policy breaches, serious breach of
applicable health and safety, gambling and/or ticketing regulations or any act or
omission of the Member or Officer which in the opinion of England Athletics, acting
reasonably, brings or is likely to bring the sport of athletics into disrepute) regarding the
behaviour of Members or Officers shall be reported and dealt with by England Athletics
in accordance with its Disciplinary Procedures.

5. If a dispute arises between any Members or Officers of the Club about the validity or
propriety of anything done by any Member or Officer under these Rules and the dispute
cannot be resolved by agreement, the parties to the dispute must first try in good faith to
settle the dispute by mediation before resorting to litigation.

Health & Safety Policy

Hillsborough and Rivelin Running Club (HRRC) aims to promote the health, safety and welfare of all persons to whom we owe a duty of care, including athletes, volunteers, coaches, parents, spectators and visitors through a commitment to the development of a positive health and safety culture. To achieve the highest possible standards, HRRC aims to, so far as is reasonably practicable:

 comply with all relevant health and safety legislation and guidelines.
 conduct risk assessments, ensuring actions arising are implemented and the risks are reduced to the lowest practicable level.
 provide defined procedures, which include safe methods of working for all those involved in the delivery of club activity.
 provide, maintain and inspect plant, equipment and machinery and ensure safe storage/use of substances.
 seek to prevent accidents, incidents, near misses and cases of work-related ill health.
 report any accidents, incidents, near misses and cases of work-related ill health arising from club activity and ensure the timely completion of investigations to prevent incident reoccurrence.
 implement emergency and first aid procedures.
 ensure mechanisms are in place to report hazards and identify and rectify faults.
 ensure suitable welfare arrangements are in place and provide a safe and healthy working environment for all those involved in club activity, and;
 provide appropriate information, instruction, and supervision to ensure all those involved
in club activity take care of their own safety and welfare and that of others.

HRRC is committed to the development of individuals involved in the delivery of club activity and
aims to:

 establish an effective process that identifies how the health and safety responsibilities are allocated and communicated across the Club.
 communicate matters affecting health and safety, including day-to-day health and safety conditions, and.
 provide appropriate information and support to ensure all those with a responsibility for
health and safety are competent in their role.
The Club Committee is responsible for the implementation and management of the health and safety arrangements that exist within HRRC and accepts this responsibility. The Committee will review this policy statement at least annually and any revisions will be made accessible to